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Elektron Octatrack Controller - MIDI Designer Q&A

Rating: SilverElektron Octatrack Controller

+3 votes
Rating: Silver
asked Jul 23, 2017 in Community Shares by thetuesdaynightmachines (220 points)
edited Aug 8, 2017 by thetuesdaynightmachines
Cool stuff. Thanks.
Thanks, ezb! Let me know if you have any specific comments or ideas :)
Welcome to the Community... thanks and BIG UP for this new layout! It's looking great and we're seeing it being discussed elsewhere on the Web too. Congrats.

Thank you, Dan! :) Where else is it being discussed? I posted it on Facebook where it got a bunch of comments so far.

I don't have an Octratrack yet, but with the arrival of the mk2 the mk1 has become very interesting. And especially because you made a layout for it.
Hey there, It's all your own Instagram posts getting picked up my my Web feelers (i.e., Mention). Which look great!

I'll ingest this post and all the social media you've done around it this weekend, i.e., add the manufacturer to the list, make the layout show up in MD browse, and share about it (and other stuff). Not to mention some MD stuff I need to fix for 2.91... big weekend, this.

Thanks again!
Thanks! Looking forward to the posted layout and the App update :)
Adding Elektron to the manufacturers' list. Nice work on this, again!