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Compatible with iOS 11? - MIDI Designer Q&A

Compatible with iOS 11?

+1 vote
asked Jul 16, 2017 in How does MIDI Designer work with X? by MIDI Designer Team (Dan)
What's the latest on this? I'd like to go to iOS 11, but I don't want trouble with MD.
Hey there, we've been testing with iOS 11 and find no issues. However, we haven't had a lot of reports yet. If you've got a gig this weekend, don't upgrade until after. Then once you upgrade, hit us up at support [at] mididesigner.com with any issues. If it's an issue we can replicate (most are), then we can fix it and get you a beta build VERY quickly.


1 Answer

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Best answer

2017-07-15 21:23 Update
Judging from our testing with iOS 11 Beta 3 (July 11, 2017), the answer is not yet. MIDI Designer will crash on start, making all other work impossible.

We will fix soon after the last IOS 11 Release Candidate comes out or before.

Thanks for your patience as Apple changes everything, yet again.

answered Jul 16, 2017 by MIDI Designer Team (Dan)
I appreciate all of your hard work to keep our beloved tool--essential to my iOS music making--updated and functioning properly. It must be frustrating as a developer to have Apple break your app with each OS number change.
Thanks! It's a double-edged sword. On the one hand, we don't want Apple to have their hands tied by backwards compatibility. On the other hand, it would be kind of nice not to have to pay for this ourselves ;)
