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4-Way Crossfader with Max in Center - MIDI Designer Q&A

4-Way Crossfader with Max in Center

0 votes
related to an answer for: XY Pad to Control 4 Mics
asked Oct 1, 2013 in Advanced by MIDI Designer Team (Dan)
edited Oct 1, 2013 by MIDI Designer Team (Dan)

1 Answer

0 votes

This is more straightforward. 

  1. Create four knobs. 

  2. Change Knob 1 and Knob 3 to be "Inverted"

  3. Create an XY pad
  4. Make the X axis the supercontrol for Knob 1 and Knob 2
  5. Make the Y axis the supercontrol for Knob 3 and Knob 4
  6. Change all four knobs to be crossfader overlap .5 


  7. That's it. Now Knob 1 and Knob 2 are the X axis (middle is max mix of both), and Knob 3 and 4 are Y axis (middle is max).

answered Oct 1, 2013 by MIDI Designer Team (Dan)
How can I get an XY Pad to function as a joystick