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LAYOUT: Roland JD-990 (V1.7.0 - 01/2015) - MIDI Designer Q&A

Rating: PlatinumLAYOUT: Roland JD-990 (V1.7.0 - 01/2015)

+6 votes
Rating: Platinum
asked Dec 12, 2012 in Community Shares by popup (3,630 points)
edited May 25, 2016 by MIDI Designer Team (Dan)
Bloody hell, Popup. That expansion list is crazy. :)
Is anyone successfully using the JD990 template? I'm having an issue where only very few knobs are sending midi cc info. I'm using midimuxx with midi-ox and loopbe for a virtual port. Midi communication is working great in both directions with other ipad apps. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Have you looked at the knobs in Design Mode to see what they're sending? It's probably sysex, and perhaps one of your pieces is filtering?
am I being a complete idiot for asking this, the images of the expansion packs above - are they the system exclusive patch messages for the midi designer to send to my JD990 - I ask this as I understand that midi designer cant request patches from the hardware. Did someone create all the patches to be able to load them from midi designer ??? IF SO AMAZING !!!!!
That's correct: it's all Popup's work. Amazing. Deep. Extensive. And the Community has several authors like him. Check our Ibo Kai's work, or Helfried's work, to name just two of several. This is crowd-sourcing and open-source at it's best. We're very proud of our Community!

1 Answer

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Best answer
JD-990 layout is in the question, and it's awesome.

[This answer is here to show the question as answered.]
answered Jan 29, 2013 by MIDI Designer Team (Dan)
edited Mar 5, 2013 by MIDI Designer Team (Dan)
It really is awesome. I use it with JD-990 and Vintage synth and it's really fun.

I have a question though, should the layout be able to read the current patch settings. Say I select a new patch and want to tweak it, or even tweak something via the front panel, can that cause the layout to update to reflect it? Not sure if it's supported and I've just not set something up properly or it's not supported. For controlling many devices it's probably not even that useful a feature but there are many good existing 990 patches as starting points, often I want to load and then tweak them. And when I select a new patch from the front of the JD it would be really handy to have a way to get Midi designer to reflect the patch as a starting point. Can this work? If so do I need to configure something somewhere?
Many thanks and great work!
Hi Louis,  thanks for the kind words :)

I am afraid that the features you mention are not currently possible with Midi Designer.  You kind of have to start from a blank canvas so that both units are 'synced' although You can always store your created patches as presets on MD and then recall them.  The saving of presets was (and still maybe) a planned feature that would be an interesting addition as people could post 'preset packs' of patches online.

  There was a very interesting thread started on this Holy Grail feature here:-  http://mididesigner.com/qa/2441/fr-get-all-current-values-from-target-hardware
Thanks for reminding me about exporting presets, popup. It'll be happening sooner than other things... "Preset Packs" is a great name, too.
Hi, I really want this layout to work, but when I'm using it nothing happens. I guess I'm doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what the problem is.

My setup is this:

- iPad connected to mac with USB with the Music.io app
- Ableton sending all midi outputs via my soundcards midi out to the midi in on Roland JD-900
Whenever I move a knob/fader etc on the layout no midi in is registered in Ableton. But when using my own layouts it does register midi  coming in. I'm not sure wether Ableton register sysex as midi in or not. My understanding is this layout is sending sysex to the JD-990.

Hope that someone knows what my setup problem is. I would really like to use this layout.

Kind regards,
I don't think Ableton will faithfully send the sysex onwards to the JD-990. 1) you need a MIDI monitor, like Snoize MIDI monitor, to figure out what's going on 2) musicIO will route the MIDI directly to the MIDI out for the JD-990. Check the "MIDI To" tab. Thanks!
Thanks! Sending MIDI from the music.io app to my soundcards midi worked :)
Awesome! If you ever feel like leaving an awesome review in the App Store for MIDI Designer Pro and/or for musicIO, please do! Most importantly... enjoy!

Dan (Author, MIDI Designer)